of those polled don’t want to make a commitment to the environment until those primarily responsible do their bit.

Source :

Obope, 2024

According to a study conducted by the Obope Observatory in 2024, 1 in 4 French people think that taking action to prevent climate chaos is derisory because it’s already too late. The study also highlights the “ecological prisoner’s dilemma”: 55% of those surveyed are unwilling to make a commitment to the environment unless those primarily responsible do their bit.

It’s hard to change consumer attitudes in general when the problem is purely pragmatic, i.e. lack of means and time.

This is why companies have a key role to play in the social and ecological transition, as they have the power to improve what they offer.

For example, the Eart4 project was born of the desire to actively encourage business leaders to invest in the planet. On a dedicated website, Eart4 describes the planet with business information. Earth is compared to a company, within a market, with a range of products and services essential to its 8 billion customers.

Earth (or EART4, as it was listed) went public on April 26, 2023 with the intention of speaking to the world’s business leaders in a language they would understand: value. A fine example rewarded at Cannes Lions 2023.

We created DUSENS from the merging of our 3 entities : tequilarapido, allegorie and DUSENS Advisory.

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