This language goes beyond simple communication, becoming a tool for expressing and exploring their identity and experiences.

Digital has become a privileged space where the younger generations express themselves and interact. They see it as their own field of expression. In this familiar environment, they combine creativity and interactivity, encouraging creation, the expression of opinions and feelings, and decision-making.

Within this Internet culture, the younger generations have developed their own jargon, characterized by the use of neologisms. For example, the term “Rizz” has recently emerged as a popular expression among young people. According to Oxford University Press, this neologism is short for “style” or “charm” and refers to our “ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner”.

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The Internet language of the younger generation evolves rapidly, influenced by trends, memes, video games and online interactions. They adopt the words and expressions that make sense in their online communities, creating a community language that connects them, enabling them to identify with each other and share common experiences.

This language goes beyond simple communication; it also expresses the emerging usages specific to this generation. The expressions, neologisms and cultural references used reflect their concerns, values and understanding of the world around them. It thus becomes a tool for expressing and exploring their identity and experiences.

Internet culture offers younger generations a space for linguistic expression and creation. The language they develop on social networks and online platforms reflects their ongoing connection to internet culture and the emerging mores specific to their generation. This linguistic evolution testifies to their ability to appropriate and define the language that represents them, while influencing tomorrow’s linguistic trends. By understanding and acknowledging these evolutions, we foster better understanding and more effective communication with younger generations.

We created DUSENS from the merging of our 3 entities : tequilarapido, allegorie and DUSENS Advisory.

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