Non-verbal communication acts as an essential catalyst, enriching and nuancing the messages we exchange.

In an age of digitalized exchanges, the hold of digital communication on our social space is undeniable, revealing profound repercussions on our social interactions. The emergence of digital technology has brought about a shift in the way we communicate, notably by weakening the predominance of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication, so rich in nuance and subtlety, is being diluted by the exchange of digital information, often lacking the visual and bodily cues (excluding videoconferencing) that enrich our mutual understanding. Lack of familiarity with Neuro-Linguistic Principles (NLP) has further complicated the task of deciphering the subtleties of messages. This unfamiliarity is conducive to misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Where once non-verbal communication could guide us in reading the emotions, intentions and true meanings behind words, we now find ourselves faced with a complex decoding challenge.

With this in mind, a number of shows are taking the lead in tackling this subject in subtle ways, with the aim of reconciling people with behavioral analysis. One example is “Les Traîtres” on the French channel M6, which illustrates this reality, using a variety of personalities from fields as diverse as sport, social media, cinema, literature and psychology, among others. The show addresses a plural target audience, linking different communities and generations. The underlying aim of this concept – apart from entertainment – is to highlight the importance of the unconscious signals emitted by our bodies, signals that are crucial to grasping the truth behind appearances.


Words have undeniable power in communication, and semiology, in particular the study of linguistic signs, is proof of this. However, words are often insufficient in isolation. Non-verbal communication then acts as an essential catalyst, enriching and nuancing the messages we exchange. Facial expressions, gestures, posture, even micro-movements that often escape our awareness, complement our communications, bringing them a depth and authenticity that transcends words.

In a world where digital is omnipresent, it’s crucial not to forget the fundamental elements that make our communication complete. Far from rejecting digital communication, we need to recognize that it must coexist with the non-verbal and bodily components of human communication. For it is in this harmony that true understanding lies, and it is through this understanding that social bonds are fortified.

We created DUSENS from the merging of our 3 entities : tequilarapido, allegorie and DUSENS Advisory.

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