Corporate communications are becoming increasingly assertive, with a more creative, innovative and daring stance.
Corporate communication is no longer just about sharing financial results or presenting business lines and job offers. It is now a key strategic lever. At a time when companies are making a commitment to the common good, numerous opportunities are opening up for copywriters, UX experts and strategic planners to convey this message within a digital experience.
How can these digital showcases embody companies’ new ambitions? What editorial strategy and user experience are needed to reflect this reinvented brand identity?
The digital ecosystem as an engagement partner
Today, corporate websites are somewhat obsolete in terms of their “raison d’être”, or in English, their purpose. We need to imagine an experience inspired by B2C codes to foster engagement (in terms of speed, practicality, immersion, everything that ultimately improves experience and analytics).
AI as a search assistant
The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies is one of the key advances that will shape tomorrow’s user experience.
AI can generate additional features and information based on a query. These smarter search results enable the creation of more useful and engaging tailored user journeys.

Reinventing the way official documents are read
Annual reports are a company’s standard-bearer, telling the story of its raison d’être and the evolution of its overall performance. The challenge? Take the report out of its cold, institutional straitjacket and connect it more closely to its communities.
The integrated report is becoming increasingly digital, taking the form of a dedicated website, for example. This makes corporate information more accessible and inclusive. We can also imagine integrating AI into this experience, allowing us to synthesize certain sections or provide additional information.
Exploiting social media codes to stimulate interaction
Why should a corporate website be top-down, when audiences are so active on digital?
With a positioning focused on missions of general interest, companies have the legitimacy to involve their audiences in their content, whether on social networks or their site.
We can imagine a page with opportunities for reactions or comments to content, call-to-actions that punctuate the experience and provide additional animations and information…
At a time when companies are asserting their societal role, the corporate site can no longer be content with being an institutional showcase. It must become the epicenter of an engaging experience, reflecting this ambition.
Tomorrow’s corporate site will be a space for dialogue, where the public can both find out information and react to it. It will be a lively, interactive platform, serving to build lasting relationships and mutual commitment to the public-interest issues that the company supports.
It is essential to reinvent the corporate experience to make it a real lever of influence and mobilization.